Magma programs

  1. permutation groups routines for computing the eigenmatrix for multiplicity-free permutation representations
  2. folded halved cubes (includes bipartite half, halved cube, folded cube)
  3. generalized hexagons of order (2,2) using U_3(3)
  4. locally Petersen graphs on 63 and 65 vertices
  5. intersection array to spectrum for spectrum of a distance regular graph from its intersection array
  6. the first eigenmatrix of a generalized hexagons of order (s,t)
  7. the McLaughlinGraph on 275 vertices. See also Andries Brouwer's site.
  8. the first eigenmatrix of the Hamming association scheme H(n,q).
  9. the Matsuo algebra of a Fischer space.
  10. the Fischer space associated with the 3-transposition group 2^{1+6}:SU_3(2)' of order 6912.
  11. Construction A for constructing a lattice from a linear code over the residue ring of integers.
  12. (100,36,14,12) strongly regular graph with automorphism group J2.2.
  13. Doubly even subcode of a given self-orthogonal binary code.
  14. Partitions of a set.
  15. Johnson Graph J(v,k).
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