
第102回 2023年7月10日 16:00〜17:00

袁 西英 (Yuan Xiying) (上海大学)「Turán problem for $\mathcal{K}_4^-$-free signed graph」

Suppose that $\dot{G}$ is an unbalanced signed graph of order $n$ with $e(\dot{G})$ edges. Let $\rho(\dot{G})$ be the spectral radius of $\dot{G}$, and $\mathcal{K}_4^-$ be the set of the unbalanced $K_4$. In this talk, we will show that if $\dot{G}$ is a $\mathcal{K}_4^-$-free unbalanced signed graph of order $n$, then $e(\dot{G})\leqslant \frac{n(n-1)}{2}-(n-3)$ and $\rho(\dot{G})\leqslant n-2$. Moreover, the extremal graphs are completely characterized.

開催方法: 対面と Google Meet によるハイブリッド
開催場所: 7階711演習室