The 30th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (ICFIDCAA 2024)

30th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (ICFIDCAA 2024)

30th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional
Complex Analysis and Applications (ICFIDCAA 2024)

Date: August 19th (Mon) morning - 23rd (Fri) afternoon, 2024

Venue: Large Lecture Hall (on the 2nd floor of the main building), Graduate School of Information Sciences, Aobayama Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

Hosted by: The Research Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (RCPAM) and
GSIS, Tohoku University
Chair of the International Advisory Board: Tuen Wai Ng (University of Hong Kong)
Main Local Organizer: Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University)
Secretaries: Takeru Asaka and Rintaro Ohno (Tohoku University)


First Announcement

We are pleased to announce that the 30th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (ICFIDCAA 2024) will be held at GSIS, Tohoku University, from August 19 to 23, 2024. The topics covered by the conference are Complex Analysis (of one or several complex variables), Geometric Function Theory, Complex Dynamics, Potential Theory, Teichmüller Spaces, Value Distribution Theory, and so on.

Scientific Committee:
Tuen Wai Ng (Univ. Hong Kong)
Armen Sergeev (Steklov Math. Institute)
Hiroaki Aikawa (Chubu Univ.)
Yoshihiro Aihara (ex Fukushima Univ.)
Tatsuhiro Honda (Senshu Univ.)
Hidetaka Hamada (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.)
Katsuhiko Matsuzaki (Waseda Univ.)
Shin-ichi Matsumura (Tohoku Univ.)
Yusuke Okuyama (Kyoto Institute of Tech.)
Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku UNiv.)

More detailed information will be given later.

Final Registration

No registration fee will be collected.
To make the final registration, please click on the Microsoft Form even if you made a preliminary registration. The deadline is August 8. If you will give a talk, you are requested to send a TEX source file (and a pdf file if possible) to Dr. Asaka by using the following template not later than August 8, 2024. You are advised to send a document of your flight tickets together with TEX file to Dr. Asaka so that your talk will be scheduled according to your itinerary as well as to confirm your participation.

Template for Abstract

(The preliminary registration is found here but this is left only for your convenience.)
QR code

Final Registration Form


From Tokyo to Sendai, you can take a Shinkansen (bullet train). It takes about 90 minutes.
You may also fly to Sendai Airport, from which it takes about 25 minutes to Sendai Station by connecting trains.
Please use the Tozai (East-West) Subway Line from Sendai Station to the venue. This takes about 9 min.
Details can be found here. For further information please also refer to this map.

From August 13 to August 16, we will have Bon Festival in Japan. Many Japanese people go to their home town during the period. This year, August 17 and 18 are in the weekend. Therefore, most of them will extend their stay in home town to the weekend and thus the traffic will be crowded in that weekend. It might be a good idea to move from Tokyo to Sendai by Shinkansen on Aug 18 (late) evening or Aug 19 (early) morning.

Program and Speakers

The conference will start from August 19 morning and will end around noon or early afternoon of August 23. Program will be provided in August. But a current timetable is found here.

Plenary Speakers (50 min talk)

Roman Bessonov (St.-Petersbourg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia), Online
Boo Rim Choe (Korea University)
Mark Elin (Braude College of Engineering in Karmiel, Israel)
Anatoly Golberg (Holon Institute of Technology, Israel)
Hidetaka Hamada (Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan)
Jun Hu (City University of New York, USA)
Katsuya Ishizaki (Open University, Japan)
Kang-Hyurk Lee (Gyeongsang National University, Korea), to be confirmed
Hideki Miyachi (Kanazawa University, Japan)
Tuen Wai Ng (The University of Hong Kong)
John Ryan (University of Arkansas, USA)
Hasi Wulan (Shantou University, China)
Jie Xiao (Memorial University, Canada)
Guangyuan Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)

Invited speakers (30 min talk)

Hiroaki Aikawa (Chubu University, Japan)
Mario Tsz On Chan (Pusan National University, Korea)
See Keong Lee (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
Gou Nakamura (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Roman Palvelev (Moscow State University, Russia), Online
Rakesh Parmar (Pondicherry University, India)
Maria Stepanova (Moscow State University, Russia), Online
Vesna Todorcevic (Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia)
Zhitao Wen (Shantou University, China)
Paweł Zaprawa (Lublin University of Technology, Poland)
Shiyu Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Jianfeng Zhu (Huaqiao University China)

A list of all the speakers is available here.

Accommodations and other tips

Please book a hotel by yourself.
We recommend hotels nearby Sendai Railway Station (on the west side if possible).
A standard booking site in Japan is Rakuten Travel. Other sites are available as well.
If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Hotel rates in Sendai are relatively low. But we suggest to book your accomodation as early as possible.

Unfortunately, we do not have enough funding to support airfares. A small portion of the budget is however reserved to support local expenses for younger participants from developing countries. Please make the final registration to apply for this support.