Geometric Function Theory and Related Topics

Geometric Function Theory and Related Topics

Geometric Function Theory and Related Topics

Date: February 14th (Thu) - February 15th (Fri), 2019
Venue: Middle Lecture Hall (on the 2nd floor of the main building),
Graduate School of Information Sciences,
Aobayama Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

Hosted by The Research Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (RCPAM)
Organizer: Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University)
Secretary: Rintaro Ohno (Tohoku University)

1. Expected Participants:

Daoud Bshouty (Technion, Israel)
Gangqiang Chen (Tohoku University)
Hiroki Fujino (Nagoya University)
Atsushi Hayashimoto (NIT, Nagano College)
Seong-A Kim (Dongguk Univercity, Korea)
Ken-ichi Sakan (Osaka City University)
Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University)
Limei Wang (UIBE, China)
and more.

Sendai Castle & TV Tower

2. Location:

Please use the Tozai (East-West) Subway Line from Sendai Station.
Details can be found here. For further information please also refer to this map.
(Please note that the information about busses is outdated.)

3. Program

February 14th (Thursday)

13:30-14:20Seong-A Kim (Dongguk University)
 Tamanoi's Schwarzian derivative revisited
14:30-15:20Daoud Bshouty (Technion)
 On the shear of harmonic mappings
15:40-16:30Hiroki Fujino (Nagoya University)
 Representation formula for complete maximal surfaces in AdS3
16:40-17:10Limei Wang (University of International Business and Economics)
 On geometric properties of a quotient of two hypergeometric functions
18:00-Dinner at Mimasu Mitsukura

February 15th (Friday)

10:00-10:50Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku University)
 On the space of finite Blaschke products
11:00-11:50Ken-ichi Sakan (Osaka City University)
 A simple deformation of harmonic mappings with a specified holomorphic part
13:30-14:00Chen Gangqiang (Tohoku University)
 Estimates of the second derivative of bounded analytic functions
14:10-15:00Atsushi Hayashimoto (Nagano National College of Technology)
 Generalized pseudoellipsoids and proper holomorphic mappings

Tohoku UniGSIS

Last Update: 2018.12.26.