    During a week period in Summer 2018, Research Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics (RCPAM) at Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS),Tohoku University invites highly regarded faculty from around the world to deliver graduate level courses in the mathematical sciences and their applications. This year our lecture series will focus on stochastic homogenization and the Workshop will focus on the applications of the homogenization theory. Our instructors and applicants come from a diverse set of countries, and our main goal is to broaden the education in the multicultural and international flavour of our School. Information about the last year can be found here.

    Gregoire Allaire (Palaiseau) The homogenization method for topology optimization of structures: old and new (Lecture series, Abstract )

    Workshop speakers
    Hiroshi Isakari (Nagoya)
    Julian Fischer (Klosterneuburg)
    Kentaro Yaji (Osaka)
    Takashi Nakazawa (Osaka)
    Stefan Neukamm (Dresden)
    Mario Varga (Dresden)
    Takayuki Yamada (Kyoto)

    The scientific organizers are Reika Fukuizumi, Kei Funano, Jun Masamune, Jinhae Park, Ruo Li, Shigeru Sakaguchi, Kenjiro Terada, Takayuki Yamada, Zhang Lei. Please contact summerschool2018@math.is.tohoku.ac.jp with any questions regarding the school.

    This meeting is partially supported by a grant from the JSPS A3 Foresight Program1, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 26287020 and 26400062, GSIS, and RCPAM. Thanks are also due to the staff at WPI-AIMR and GSIS for handling much of the organization of the meeting.

    1. Based on an agreement among Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), A3 Foresight Program supports joint research conducted by researchers of Japan, China and Korea. The three countries (A3) work as consortium in advancing leading-edge research with an aim to establishing a top-level research hub in Asia. For further information, please visit the webpage: www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-foresight/

    Copyright (c) Division of Mathematics. Graduate School of Information Sciences. Tohoku University. All Rights Reserved
    Division of Mathematics & Research Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics Graduate School of Information Sciences
    Tohoku University 6-3-09 Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan