Research Interests


Referred Papers

  1. Semi-galois Categories II: An arithmetic analogue of Christol's theorem, Journal of Algebra, Vol.508, pp.539--568, 2018. [arxiv | elsevier]
  2. Semi-galois Categories I: The Classical Eilenberg Variety Theory, In Proc. Logic in Computer Science (LICS'16), pp.545--554, 2016. [acm | pdf]
  3. Canonical Finite Models of Kleene Algebra with Tests, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, pp.595--616, 2017. [elsevier | pdf]
  4. A Modified Completeness Theorem of KAT and Decidability of Term Reducibility, In Proc. Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS'14), pp.82--100, 2014. [springer | pdf]


  1. Semi-galois Categories: TBA [arxiv | pdf]
  2. Semi-galois Categories I-B: Axiom of Eilenberg Variety Theory and Its Application
    (extended version of LICS'16 paper; currently being reorganized with some additional results). [arxiv | pdf]
  3. Well-structured terms are decidable in Kleene algebra with tests. [arxiv | pdf]
  4. On primary ideals in finite-dimensional algebras over fields. [arxiv | pdf]
  5. Eilenberg's Variety Theory in Duality-Theoretic Form (Japanese). [rims | pdf]


under construction


6-3-09 Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Phone: +81-(0)22-795-4690
E-mail: takeo.uramoto [HEREISATMARK]