Algebraic Combinatorics
An International Conference in Honour of Eiichi Bannai´s 60th Birthday
June 26 - 30, 2006
Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan

Plenary Speakers

Christine Bachoc (Bordeaux)
Upper Bounds for the Kissing Number From Semi-Definite Programming
Eiichi Bannai (Fukuoka)
Title to be Announced
Andries Brouwer (Eindhoven)
Connectivity of Distance-Regular Graphs
Michel Deza (Paris)
Elementary Elliptic $(R,q)$-Polycycles
Koichiro Harada (Columbus)
Rediscovered Theorems
Alexander A. Ivanov (London)
Amalgams: A Machinery of the Modern Theory of Finite Groups
Mikhail Klin (Beer Sheva, Israel)
Computer Algebra Experimentation With Coherent Configurations and Association Schemes
Jack Koolen (Pohang, Korea)
On a Conjecture of Bannai and Ito
Neil J. A. Sloane (AT&T Shannon Labs, USA)
Gleason's Theorem on Self-Dual Codes and Its Generalizations
Patrick Solé (CNRS, France)
Double Circulant Codes From Two Class Association Schemes
Paul Terwilliger (Madison)
The $q$-Tetrahedron Algebra

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