Since 27/04/2013 

青葉山 数理生物コロキウム
Aobayama Colloquium for Mathematical Biology


This colloquium is aimed at providing an occasion to enjoy free and relaxing discussions around ideas or questions with participants on any subject of mathematical sciences related to the biological/sociological phenomenon. The main program is the initiative talk or session to give some cues for such discussion. We hope that the participants can have some scientific stimuli emerged from their free and relaxing discussions on scientific problems arising with the interaction at this colloquium.


- No pre-registration or fee is required for the participation (except for some special cases);
- Any participant is welcome independently of her/his major;
- Participation as an observer, unsolicited or partial participation are accepted;
- For any query on this colloquium, contact to H. Seno (Tohoku Univ.)


2024年 令和6年1月15日(月)

WORKSHOP “Student Meetup on Population Dynamics Modeling II”
Nattawut Khansai (King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand)
"Mathematical models for the analysis and control of the relationship between rice and the brown planthopper by using integrated pest management"
Ying Xie (Tohoku University, Japan)
"SIQR model on the disease spread by multiple strains with a competitive dominance"
Zhiqiong Fu (Tohoku University, Japan)
"An SIRI+Q model with limited capacity of isolation"

2023年 令和5年7月24日(月)

WORKSHOP “Student Meetup on Population Dynamics Modeling”
Carolin Grunbach (Osnabrück University, Germany)
"The effect of dispersal and the Allee effect on the asymptotic total population size in a spatially fragmented habitat"
Femke Reurik (Osnabrück University, Germany)
"The effects of proportional harvesting on the total population size and yield in a discrete two-patch model"
Victor Schneider (Tohoku University, Japan)
"Population dynamics models on the species persistence in the native habitat with the invasion of alien species"
 〔研究進捗報告〕(at Seno Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Ying Xie (D3)
"Relation of the detectability in strains to the endemicity of an infectious disease: A mathematical model"
Zhiqiong Fu (D1)
"An epidemic dynamics model with a limited capacity of isolation for a reinfectious disease"


 【研究発表】(by Victor Schneider, Tohoku University
"Population dynamics models on the species persistence in the native habitat with the invasion of alien species (外来種侵入下の固有生息地における種存続性に関する個体群動態モデル)”

Habitat fragmentation could be a threat to biodiversity. Understanding the ecological dynamics in a fragmented habitat is crucial, for example for the conservation of a species inhabiting there. However, the influence of habitat fragmentation on ecosystem stability is still debated among ecologists. In this work, we present a mathematical consideration of the influence of habitat fragmentation on an exploitative competition dynamics between native and alien species. We analyze a system of ordinary differential equations with what is called MacArthur’s consumer-resource dynamics model. Our modeling focuses on how a habitat fragmentation affects the resource availability and consequently the species persistence. Through a stability analysis on the equilibrium of native species extinction, we can obtain the condition for the persistence of the native species, taking account of the mobility between the patches of the fragmented habitat. We find that the existence of a patch with a sufficient resource availability would be relevant for the persistence of the native species, while the condition for such a satisfactory patch depends on the nature of invading alien species. Furthermore we discuss a possibility for a habitat fragmentation preferable for the persistence of a native species threatened with its extinction by an alien invasion.
2022年 令和4年12月14日(水)

 【研究進捗報告】(at Seno Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
大槻南央(Otsuki Nao) (M2)
"A mathematical model on the ratio of free-riders for the benefit from the workers' task"
Victor P. Schneider (D3)
"On the persistence of native species facing an alien invasion: Analysis of a Lotka-Volterra competition model"
謝穎(Xie Ying) (D2)
"Social insensitivity could cause repeated epidemic outbreaks: A mathematical model"
傅智琼(Fu Zhiqiong) (D1)
"A mathematical model on the efficiency of regional lockdown in epidemic dynamics"



 【話題提供】(by Dipo Aldila, Universitas Indonesia
"A mathematical model to analyze the impact of the novel vaccine on Tuberculosis transmission"

This talk brings forward a modeling framework for Tuberculosis transmission taking into account recently known constituents in the multiplex transmission, namely recrudescence, resources limitation, and -- to our current novelty -- the implementation of new M72/AS01E vaccine. The basic reproduction number of the model becomes an endemic measure driving the model trajectories around either a forward or backward bifurcation at its threshold value one. Sufficient conditions leading to the two types of bifurcation are shown to be dependent on the treatment availability. Owing to the backward bifurcation, failure to meet a threshold for the treatment leads to endemicity notwithstanding excellent contact restrictions and vaccination that bring about the basic reproduction number below one. We found that contact restrictions become a determinant to the extent where an endemic bubble via two adjacent Hopf points and a hysteresis loop may occur. Two-parameter continuation related to contact restrictions and vaccination helps locate regimes where different multistability modes occur, thereby addressing careful deployment of resources against counterproductive interventions and entraps between distinct endemicity levels.
Keywords: Tuberculosis , relapse, reinfection, treatment failure, M72/AS01E vaccine, bifurcation.


 【研究進捗報告】(at Seno Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
ThankGod I.S. Ikpe (M2)
"An epidemic dynamics model in a community with vaccinated visitors during a season"
Elza Firdiani Sofia (D3)
"A mathematical consideration on the epidemic risk of social situation"
Ishfaq Ahmad (D3)
"How does the final epidemic size depend on the limited isolation capacity?: Consideration with a mathematical model"

 【論文紹介】(by Xie Ying, Tohoku University

2021年 令和3年9月7日(火)

 【論文紹介】(by ThankGod I.S. Ikpe, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Ishfaq Ahmad, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Elza F. Sofia, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Fu Zhiqiong, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Xie Ying, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Victor P. Schneider, Tohoku University


 【研究発表】(by Xie Ying, Tohoku University
"A mathematical model for the influence of the social insensitivity on the SIS epidemic dynamics"

 【研究進捗報告】(at Seno Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Elza Firdiani Sofia (D2)
"A mathematical consideration for disease spread in a community with two activity classes: Critical number of active individuals for minimizing new infection cases"
Ishfaq Ahmad (D2)
"The longer isolation may cause the increase of final epidemic size: Consideration with a mathematical model"

2020年 令和2年11月26日(木)

 【研究進捗報告】(by Xie Ying, Tohoku University
"A mathematical model for the influence of the social insensitivity on the SIS epidemic dynamics"

When a transmissible disease invades, the community may respond to the disease in such a way of wearing masks to reduce the infection probability or getting the vaccine to prevent the serious symptom and the disease transmission. However, the community may not necessarily show such a social response to a transmissible disease, being insensitive to the disease spread. In this work, we propose a specific Susceptible-Infective-Susceptible (SIS) model, taking account of the effect of such social response.

 【研究進捗報告】(at Seno Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
Victor P. Schneider (D1)
"On the invasion of diffusing alien species into a habitat of immobile competitive species: Dependence on the boundary condition"
Elza Firdiani Sofia (D2)
"A theoretical consideration on the efficiency of stay-at-home policy for the prevention of disease spread"
Ishfaq Ahmad (D2)
"A mathematical model for the effect of quarantine period on the final epidemic size"


 【研究発表】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
"A mathematical model for the dynamics of information spread under the effect of social response"

Mark Granovetter promoted the concept of threshold model of social behavior in which the acceptance value of one of two distinct actions is determined by the proportion of a given population that has already accepted the action. It is about the thinking that an individual embraces an idea once a sufficient number of people has embraced the idea. This model finds application in sociology, economics, information science and lots more. In our case, we look at an individual accepting and spreading some information given that a satisfactory proportion of people in their community is already doing the same. We formulated a differential equation model representing this information spread behavior. In addition, we analyzed the model based on an everywhere positive distribution. We see that the steady state of the proportion of knowers of the information is determined by the initial proportion of knowers.

 【論文紹介】(by Elza F. Sofia, Tohoku University


 【話題提供】(by Dipo Aldila, Universitas Indonesia
"Dengue transmission model focusing on human awareness based transmission"   abstract.pdf 


 【論文紹介】(by Ishfaq Ahmad, Tohoku University

2019年 令和元年12月23日(月)

 【論文紹介】(by Elza F. Sofia, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Ishfaq Ahmad, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Elza F. Sofia, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Ishfaq Ahmad, Tohoku University


 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University

& 10月8日(火)



 WORKSHOP “Mathematical modeling and models of population dynamics in biological and social systems”
・企画趣旨:生物や社会のシステムに現れる個体群動態(population dynamics)に関わる数理モデリングや数理モデル解析についての学際研究のクロスオーバーを図る集会として,提供される話題を基に,その先の発展について意見交換・議論を行います。

・共催:東北大学大学院情報科学研究科 純粋・応用数学研究センター

SESSION 1: Merlin Köhnke & Horst Malchow (Osnabrück University, Germany)
"Temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal patterns in reaction-diffusion models of bioinvasions and their control"   abstract 1.pdf  abstract 2.pdf
SESSION 2: 大澤 実 & 赤松 隆 (東北大学大学院工学研究科・情報科学研究科)
"Equilibrium refinement for a model of non-monocentric internal structures of cities: A potential game approach"   reference.pdf
SESSION 3: 近藤倫生 (東北大学大学院生命科学研究科)
"Ecological community: linking structure to dynamics"   abstract.pdf
"LUNCHEON MEETING" (with meals of no charge; pre-registration recommended)
SESSION 4: 高田壮則 (北海道大学名誉教授)
"Semelparity analysis using randomly generated matrix models"   abstract.pdf
SESSION 5: 藤原直哉 (東北大学大学院情報科学研究科)
"Tracking spreading events through human mobility data and networks"   abstract.pdf
SESSION 6: Emmanuel Dansu & 瀬野裕美 (東北大学大学院情報科学研究科)
"Population dynamics driven by interactions on the internet"   abstract.pdf


情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【研究発表】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
"A model for epidemic dynamics in a community with visitor subpopulation"

With a five dimensional system of ordinary differential equations based on the SIR and SIS models, we consider the dynamics of epidemics in a community which consists of residents and short-stay visitors. Taking different viewpoints to consider public health policies to control the disease, we derive different basic reproduction numbers and clarify their common/different mathematical natures, so as to understand their meanings in the dynamics of the epidemic. From our analyses, the short-stay visitor subpopulation could become significant in determining the fate of epidemics in the community. Further, our arguments demonstrate that it is necessary to choose one of the variants of basic reproduction number to appropriately use it for the public health policy.
平成31年1月15, 29日(火)
情報科学研究科 609演習室(1/15),711演習室(1/29)

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Maruvka, Y.E., Shnerb, N.M., Kessler, D.A., Universal features of surname distribution in a subsample of a growing population. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 262(2): 245--256 (2010)

情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(continued from the past two in the last December, by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Brauer, F., Castillo-Chavez, C., Mubayi, A., Towers, S., Some models for epidemics of vector-transmitted diseases. Infectious Disease Modelling, 1(1): 79--87 (2016)

2018年 平成30年12月25日(火)


・企画趣旨:感染症伝染ダイナミクスにおける人間の行動の影響に関する数理モデリングについて, 提供された話題を基に,その先の発展について意見交換・議論を行います。
Dipo Aldila (Universitas Indonesia)
"Mathematical analysis on the bias of dengue infection process caused by hospitalization"   abstract.pdf
Emmanuel J. Dansu (Tohoku University)
"A model for epidemic dynamics in a community with visitor subpopulation"   abstract.pdf
Hiromi Seno (Tohoku University)
"A mathematical consideration on the contribution of city structure to the epidemic dynamics"   abstract.pdf


平成30年12月11, 18日(火)
情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Brauer, F., Castillo-Chavez, C., Mubayi, A., Towers, S., Some models for epidemics of vector-transmitted diseases. Infectious Disease Modelling, 1(1): 79--87 (2016)

情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Grosjean, N., Huillet, T., On simple age-structured population models. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 41: 68--82 (2017)

情報科学研究科 710演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Askitas, N., Selfish altruism, fierce cooperation and the predator. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 12(1): 471--485 (2018)

情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Siero, E., Nonlocal grazing in patterned ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 436: 64--71 (2018)

情報科学研究科 710演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Hu, H., Nigmatulina, K., Eckhoff, P., The scaling of contact rates with population density for the infectious disease models. Mathematical Biosciences, 244(2): 125--134 (2013)

情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Bashkirtseva, I., Ryashko, L., Stochastic sensitivity analysis of noise-induced extinction in the Ricker model with delay and Allee effect. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80(6): 1596--1614 (2018)

情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Chitnis, N., Schapira, A., Schindler, C., Penny, M.A., Smith, T.A., Mathematical analysis to prioritise strategies for malaria elimination. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 455: 118--130 (2018)

平成30年10月16, 23日(火)
情報科学研究科 609演習室

 【論文紹介】(by Emmanuel J. Dansu, Tohoku University
Rasmussen, M., Hastings, A., Smith, M., Agusto, F., Chen-Charpentier, B., Hoffman, F., Jiang, J., Todd-Brown, K., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Luo, Y., Transit times and mean ages for nonautonomous and autonomous compartmental systems. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 73(6--7): 1379--1398 (2016)

2017年 平成29年11月14日(火)
& 11月17日(金)


・企画趣旨:感染症伝染ダイナミクスに対する数理モデルにおける制御理論の応用に関する数理モデリングについて, 提供された話題を基に,その先の発展について意見交換・議論を行います。
11月14日(火)10:00--14:00 @6F小講義室
Dipo Aldila (Universitas Indonesia)
"Analyzing MERS Disease Control Strategy Through Optimal Control Problem"   abstract.pdf
Emmanuel J. Dansu (Tohoku University)
"Optimal Control Application in The Antiretroviral Treatment of HIV Patients"   abstract.pdf
11月17日(金)14:00--17:00 @711演習室
Dipo Aldila (Universitas Indonesia)
"Understanding The Seasonality of Dengue Disease Incidences From Empirical Data"   abstract.pdf
Hiromi Seno (Tohoku University)
"An SIR Modeling with The Pathogen Population Dynamics of Disease Transmission"   abstract.pdf


2013年 平成25年8月23日(金)

 【輪講】小松勇作著「數理生物學概論」中山書店,339pp.,1950年12月.(書誌ID= TT20347895,NCID=BN09510045)  → 序言・目次 .pdf

・プログラム:8月23日(金)10:00--17:00 第 I 章 生物の增殖/第 II 章 遺傳/第 III 章 細胞に於ける擴散現象
       8月24日(土)10:00--15:00 第 IV 章 神經の興奮とその傳導/第 V 章 運動器と循環器の力學,その他

 企画・運営責任者 Organizer:瀬野裕美(東北大・院・情報科学)

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