People often get confused when they meet me for the first time. Contrary to my typically Japanese name, my appearance can be considered European (or more accurately almost "American"). One of the reasons lies in the fact, that my mother is German and my father Japanese, with the result, sometimes to be considered a foreigner in both cultures.
  Before I came to the Tohoku University, I studied at Würzburg University in Germany and since my passport says "Ono" instead of "Ohno" (due to some bureaucratic reasons) the most common question I've been asked so far is: "Have you met John Lennon?" (There's a difference between a long "Oh" and a short "O", y'know... and if you want to go into the details, please look here.) And to answer the question... of course I have not.
Geometric Function Theory, Univalent Functions, Concave Functions Coefficient estimates of analytic endomorphisms of the unit disk fixing a point with applications to concave functions (with Prof. Toshiyuki Sugawa), to appear in Kyoto J. Math. On the second Hankel determinant of concave functions (with Prof. Toshiyuki Sugawa), J. Anal. 23 (2015), 99-109. An extension of necessary and sufficient conditions for concave functions Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 91 (2015), no. 1, 1-4. On a coefficient body for concave functions (with Prof. Hiroshi Yanagihara), Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 13 (2013), no. 2, 237–251. On the representation and the residue of concave functions, RIMS Kokyuroku 1824, On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications (2013), 82-85. Characterizations for concave functions and
integral representations, Topics in Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis, Tohoku University Press, Sendai (2013), 203-216.
A Study on Concave Functions in Geometric Function Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, submitted to Tohoku University on Aug. 4, 2014. "On a Fekete-Szegő type problem and the second Hankel determinant of concave functions", Workshop on Geometric Function Theory and Special Functions, Sendai, Aug. 25-26, 2016. "On a Fekete-Szegö-type problem of concave functions" (joint work with Prof. Toshiyuki Sugawa), Mathematical Society of Japan, Spring Meeting 2016, Tsukuba, Mar. 16, 2016. "On the second Hankel determinant of concave functions" (joint work with Prof. Toshiyuki Sugawa), Mathematical Society of Japan, Spring Meeting 2016, Tsukuba, Mar. 16, 2016. "Conditions and properties of concave functions", Mathematical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting 2015, Kyoto, Sep. 13, 2015. "An extension of necessary and sufficient conditions for concave functions", The 23rd ICFIDCAA at Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Aug. 26, 2015. "An extension of conditions for concave functions", The 3rd GSIS-RCPAM International Symposium "Poland-Japan Seminar on Mathematics and its Applications", Sendai, Apr. 9, 2015. "On properties of concave functions", International Conference on Geometric Function Theory and its Applications, Kharagpur (India), Dec. 18, 2014. "Various properties of concave functions", Tokyo Tech. Complex Analysis Seminar, Tokyo, Nov. 27, 2014. "On necessary and sufficient conditions for concave functions", 第49回 函数論サマーセミナー, Kagoshima, Sep. 9, 2014. "A study on concave functions in geometric function theory", 東北大学情報科学研究科 情報数理談話会, Sendai, Jun. 4. 2014. "Integral representations and coefficients of concave functions", The 2nd GSIS-RCPAM International Symposium "Geometric Function Theory and Applications in Sendai", Sendai, Sep. 11, 2013. "On the coefficients of concave functions", 第48回 函数論サマーセミナー, Yuda, Sep. 3, 2013. "On a coefficient body of concave functions" (joint work with Prof. H. Yanagihara), RIMS Workshop "Some inequalities concerned with the geometric function theory", May 23, 2013.
"On the residue of concave functions with respect to the integral representation", 第47回 函数論サマーセミナー, Toba, Aug. 26-28, 2012. "Concave functions and their integral representation", RIMS Workshop "On Schwarzian derivatives and its applications", Kyoto, May 23-25, 2012. "Concave functions and their integral representation" (Poster), The 13th Northeastern Symposium on Mathematical Analysis, Sapporo, Feb. 17 - 18, 2012. "Concave functions in the geometric function theory", The 19th ICFIDCAA in Hiroshima, Dec. 11-15, 2011. "Concave Functions in Geometric Function Theory", 等角写像論・値分布論研究集会, Kanazawa, Dec. 3-4, 2011. English IA (E1j) (at Tohoku Gakuin University ) Basics in German I and II (at Tohoku University) → 1st Sem. Evaluation, → 2nd Sem. Evaluation (in Japanese) Introduction to Analysis (exercise classes at Würzburg University) →Student Evaluation (in German) Introduction to Mathematics (first semester exercise classes at Würzburg University) Project Days 2007 (for Highschool Students at Würzburg University)
Intercommunication Seminar (多分野交流会, mainly Japanese, 3-4 times a year) Joint Seminar with Moscow University, Feb. 2015. Justice with Michael Sandel at Tohoku University, Feb. 2013. Stay at Manitoba University, Canada, Sep. 2012. (Report in Japanese) Ph.D. (Information Sciences) from Tohoku University, Sep. 24th, 2014. Diplom Mathematiker Univ. from Würzburg University, Apr. 27th, 2011. rohno "at" Interests
Publications and Preprints
Theses and Reports
Konkave Funktionen der geometrischen Funktionentheorie, Diplom Thesis, submitted to Würzburg University on Feb. 17, 2011.
UPS-Untersuchungen zur Energiedispersion in TiOCl, Practical B Report, submitted to Experimental Physics 4, Würzburg University, on Apr. 30, 2006
Teaching (selection)
Workshop on Geometric Function Theory and Special Functions, Sendai, Aug. 25-26, 2016.
The 3rd GSIS-RCPAM International Symposium "Poland-Japan Seminar on Mathematics and its Applications", Sendai, Apr. 9-10, 2015.
The 2nd GSIS-RCPAM International Symposium "Geometric Function Theory and Applications in Sendai", Sendai, Sep. 10-13, 2013.
Other Activities
Last Update: 2016.08.31.